Linggo, Setyembre 14, 2014

They Are Also A VICTIM

My Speech.

            In my 18 years of existence, the news about the people who commits suicide is never been new to me. Almost every day, there's a family crying for their lost. Behind this happening, can we ask ourselves?  Is the person who commits suicide is the one to blame? Or they are also a victim? Before answering this, let me first proclaim my stand.
                     In Religious view, suicide is one of the mortal sins that may commit by the people. And it will surely send you down to Hell. But for me, Earth is Hell. Why? Let me start from sharing facts with you. A 14-year-old boy was discovered dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a middle school bathroom. Wednesday night, September 10, 2014 and the cause of his death is not only the gunshot on his head but also the emotional pain inside him. And before this, he is also a victim of the never ending Bullying. If I were him I have killed myself also instead of suffering every day. I'm not saying that his right and committing suicide is right but rather bypassing the deep reason why he did it. These evil creatures who bullied him push him to do something that could end up to another thing that stops him from breathing.

          Can you feel how painful it is? Knowing a young man died because of that? Knowing that the devils subdue the Angels? My friends, this is a kind of virus in the society. And this virus will never be terminated until we, the people who act to be blind won’t open our eyes and fight for the right. But how can we fight for the right if we are afraid of facing the reality, the heart devastating reality? Well, let’s start it within ourselves, within our Sons, Daughters, Siblings or Friends. Let’s terminate the virus named “SUICIDE”.

          The first step, understand and know where the suicidal persons are coming from. Know their stories and try not to hurt them in any kind of way, either in verbal or in actions. Try to start with the words “Hi, I think you need a friend?” or maybe “I have noticed you this past few days, are you okay?” Then if s/he answered ‘no’ with teary eyes, grab him/her and hug him/her as tight as you can. Show that person how you really care for him/her. Then continue the conversation, let him/her open the topic. Let him/her tell you why s/he was down and full of sadness. Earn his/her trust. Be patient and understanding, because they are in crucial stage of their life. If you are through in doing this, Congratulations! You’ve saved another life! And I’m sure one day; they will be thanking you for that.

          Second step, after knowing what happened, advise something that could make them feel, you’re right. Advise something that can make their feelings much better than before. The third and last step, don’t judge them. Don’t underestimate them despite of what you’ve know and what you’ve heard from them. Don’t scold them, because that will make the situation much rigid than ever.

          Those people who are in suicidal situation needs a hand. So if you can give one of yours then why not? If you can save someone today, maybe you can save many people in the future. Be a hero for someone and sooner or later you’ll have the biggest prize that GOD can give. Help them realize that even though Earth is Hell, it can be also a place of happiness and joy. This world might be considered also as Heaven.

           So now maybe my stand is quite clear, that I believe that those people who commit suicide are not the one to blame. They are all victims. Victims of situation that they can’t handle alone, victims of people who are fun of pulling them down, and victims of misconception of the Universe. Now that I’m done proclaiming my stand, it’s your turn to ask yourself. Are they the one to blame? Or they are also a victim?

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